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xanos is cornilias rider and closest freind. the two have been together scince xanos's sister saved the dragon from the slayer. the two instantly became freinds and by chance xanos became cornilias's rider. after the many quests and adventures they have been on the two of them have never really left eachothers side.


at this time the trusty rider of cornilias tends to be a bit more bold by his high position. xanos has been recently sent on a mission to train a few new recruits. (leo came along as well) though it seems the trouble with the elements will have reprecussions reaching him soon.

other info

age: 35

hair: brown

eye: brown

skin: light tan in hue

magic?: yes

clothes: xanos normally wears his avereage brown tunic with tan trousers and soft shoes or boots. but occasionally you can find him wearing his riders armor.