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cornilias was the guardian of syora until he was abducted by the slayer after that he had to gather freinds to save him and the kingdom from the slayer and company. together they were able to defeat the evil and save the land of syora.


nowadays you can find him neer his cave or on missions. or even commonly in the castle discussing matters over with the king. but after the second war with razorak another time shift happened. though he beleived he had healed the crack in time, he did not. it slowly cracked until it reached its breaking point, in which time shattered for the second time. during this shatter the original cornilias was replaced with a doppleganger of himself much like the one in the darkened plains. at this moment the left over people from the guardian age are trying to sort things out.

other info:

age: 72

hair/mane: red

eye: red

skin/scale: green

magic?: yes

clothes: blue overlaying a brown tunic with brown trousers and black boots.